[Sportsandrec] Of 50+ Page Agendas, Poor Organization, and 70+ Flights of Stairs!

Everett Gavel e.gavel at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 11 11:20:04 UTC 2009

Joe Wrote:
"I love that. 'I am not afraid of dieing I am afraid of not living.'
How powerful. I needed that. Thank you."

Hello Joe, and All,

Happy to share the inspiration, Joe.  Glad it helped.

Hey, I don't think I met one of you at convention, and it didn't occur to me
until the long, boring drive home.  I also totally missed the rowing event I
wanted to participate in.  How did that go, by the way?  I knew I wasn't
going to be able to make the division's business meeting, though I'd have
liked to.  But I wanted to at least get into the rowing, and meet and
compete, y'know?  But damn if I didn't screw up my schedule while going
through the 50+ pages of what there was to do in one week.

I made the mistake of originally copying various meetings each day with only
the days header at the beginning of each long list of that days events.
Well, afterward I realized it'd be better to put the day in every listing,
next to the time.  And somehow I screwed it up and mixed up some days,
apparently.  Much of my weekend was full of showing up for meetings that
weren't there, and missing ones I wanted to and should've attended.  Wrong
Bat times, wrong Bat channels, I guess you could say.  Ah, now there's a bit
of dating myself, huh?

Ah well, life goes on - despite screwing up in such a noticeable way. ;-)

One happy note:  a few of us made the climb up the 70+ flights of stairs in
the main hotel.  More on this, possibly, later.  But for the record, Lindsey
from Maryland, Sarah from Chicago, and my tired old butt made it to the top.
And surprise surprise, my heart didn't explode.  Though after about the 20th
floor I was stopping for a minute or so on every other level.  So it took me
about a half hour I think.  Sarah was nice enough to stay back with me
rather than leaving me in the dust as she could've easily done.  Now that I
think of it, she probably climbed more than 80 flights, because in the
beginning she was running up and coming back down to me, then up again, then
back down.  Sheesh.

All that matters (to me anyway) is that we made it.  Yeehah!  Why do it in
the first place, you may ask?  Because it was there, of course.  And if you
don't like that answer, well then, my secondary response is, "Why the hell
not?"  ;-)

Here's 2 quotes that share the 'why,' for me, honestly:

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they
were the big things."
~ Robert Brault

"You never know when you're making a memory."
~ Ricky Lee Jones

Anyway, at this convention I was looking forward to meeting with some of you
MMA / boxing dudes for one.  Looking forward to meeting Christella for the
first time, and LM again after so many years.  And hoping to meet others
whose names come up now and again here.  Not sure of all who attended,
actually, but I knew the ones I just mentioned, were going.  Whoever was
there, sorry I missed you all.  maybe in Dallas, right?


Until Then, In 2010!

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