[Sportsandrec] Help with fixing up an old Tandem

Everett Gavel e.gavel at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 18 20:26:15 UTC 2009

Hi Keith, and all,

Sounds a lot like the original Tandem I had a decade ago.  Might've been the
same, actually.  Who knows.  Glad you're looking to put it back into
circulation, Sir.  Great work!

Several people here have mentioned appreciating the Tandem discussions, and
LM (I think it was) apologized for possibly overloading those who have no
interest in such things, here.  So with all that, I wanted to let y'all know
of a new list that was created specifically for tandem cycling, and for
blind cyclists and enthusiasts.  Please come and join the discussions of
tandem cycling and mountain biking, there.  It's dedicated to the topic of
cycling.  And while these discussions here have been of such great detail as
to beat what's going on there right now, well, I look forward to having such
great discussions there too as I'm sure will happen now and then.  ;-)

Feel free to check it out by going to:

Or you can subscribe via e-mail. Just send a blank message to:
blind_cycling-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

Anyway, keep it up, here or there.  It's all great stuff!  And it's all
towards the same goal.  Towards getting blind people off our butts and
outdoors and active!  ;-)

Strive On, and Ride On!

----- original message ----- 
The discussions on peddles and gears made me want to go out and look at
my bike.  I am wondering if it is possible or desirable to consider up

My bike is about 20 years old.  It is a heavy duty mountain bike style
but It reminds me of my old beach cruiser when I was a kid.  It is a
man's bike in the front and a woman's bike in the rear.  It is an off
brand name.  It is a Fiore.

It is a five speed bike.  The gears are Shimano with a moveable lever.
The twisting style of gear changer seems like it would work better, but
I really don't know.  It may only need adjusting.  How much would it
cost to upgrade the gears?

The peddles say VP767 on them and they look like a special shoe could
lock into them.  I never noticed that.  I just thought that they were a
little spiky to grip my shoes.  How can I find out if there are special
shoes that clip or lock into these peddles?

There is some rust on my rims.  What is a good way to clean them?  I
remember as a kid using steel wool on the spokes but I don't remember if
I used it on the rims.  My bikes were ridden so much that they never had
rust on the rims.  All that was needed was some polish and a t-shirt to
make them real nice and shiny.  Those were the days when I could see
shiny rims!

I am enjoying the discussions.  It is motivating me to get back on my
bike.  Keep up the good work.

Thank you,


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