[Sportsandrec] Blind Golfers & Virtual Golf Accessibility

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Jan 21 19:12:12 UTC 2011

Tom wrote:
"I have also found virtual golf, where you are inside, maybe pay $30 and
choose from golf courses around the world.  I guess I need someone for 
that, cause it posts things in writing on the screen.  I guess your stats
and stuff,"

Hi LM, Tom, & All,

I haven't golfed much the last couple of years.  I really should get back to
it.  I enjoy it whenever I do it. 

A couple of weeks ago I heard a commercial for someplace here regionally in
the Akron Ohio area that has this sort of digital indoor golf setup.  I'm
sure there are plenty of them around the country, probably around the world.
What do y'all think it'd take to make it accessible?  To allow it to read
the stats onscreen, as they appear and change?  I continue to dream of and
strive for a day where accessibility is not an afterthought -- or something
to fight for.  But rather, the norm, right alongside closed-captioning and
all other digital formats. 

Well, Spring IS coming, supposedly.  Maybe I should dust-off the clubs soon?
If I got them right now, I'd end up brushing off the snow.  ;-)

Balls to the Wall!

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