[Sportsandrec] Erick Weihenmeyer

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Sep 9 16:23:06 UTC 2011

Hi Jody, and all,

I didn't really follow Expedition Impossible, no. Wish
I had. Your blurb on it below is the best promotion
I've seen on the whole event. I would have dove in and
even helped to promote it, had I been more aware of it.
Might be just me, of course, but I'd say right now they
just didn't do a good job marketing it. If it came out
on the lists, I sure missed it every time. But your
blurb below, a simple paragraph, has me excited, pumped
about it. Maybe you should be on the PR team for
whoever was behind this whole event - or at least the
blindness side of it all. ;-)

I'll admit, it may have been hyped and promoted out the
wazoo. I may have just ignored the various notices at
those times. I've been caught up in life lately, and
had to ignore much. So it might be all me, I recognize

Still, it just doesn't seem like it was promoted too
heavily, thinking back. I'm linked to Erik, DS/USA, &
Mark Lucas of USABA, too. I can't remember which or if
all of them sent through Expedition Impossible updates,
but even those didn't do a great job pulling me in. The
most exciting part of many headlines were the name,
Expedition Impossible. Great name. But I'm embarrassed
to say I only ever clicked on one of the links that
were sent through as updates (and I did 'Share' that
one). Most just weren't truly compelling. And I hadn't
heard anything about it before it started. I was out of
that loop. I'd have thought there'd be a little more
hoopla on lists like this, about such a thing. It's
great stuff, breaking down barriers in glorious ways. 

I'm subbed to various newsletters from blind sports
organizations too, but again, their weekly updates
don't get me to open them sometimes, making the
often-repeated-by-many-businesses mistake of not
putting teasers in the Subject line, instead merely
saying something like "The so-and-so Newsletter #153,"
or, "Weekly Update." I'm far from the only one often
feeling too busy to search out why I need to read a
thing, when the owners don't even seem excited about
it, y'know? It's just poor marketing, and today's world
has never been more overwhelmed by things wanting our

Anyway, thanks for the follow-up. You make me sorry I
missed it. Glad to hear it went so well. I do need to
keep track better, I admit that. If I truly want to
keep up with or be involved in something, it takes
action, I get that. Thanks again. ;-)

Strive On!

-----original message----- 
Did everyone follow Erik Weihenmeyer on Expedition
impossible on ABC?  Erik
was one of a three man team that crossed the deserts,
mountains, rivers,
rapids, caves and challenges of Morocco.  there were 13
teams illiminating
one team a week.  There were comments in the beginning
like "oh it would be
embarrassing to be beat by a blind guy". Well Erik's
team Noo Limits came in
second place despite the fact that one member broke his
ankle.  It was just

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