[Sportsandrec] more on tandems

Annemarie Cooke aec732 at msn.com
Sun Apr 22 21:31:00 UTC 2012

Dear Bill and all:
More to think about. Tandeming is fun and great exerccise and important to remember that it also is a learned skill set. Bill, do you weigh more than your wife? Does she have some upper body strength? My captai Karen and I are finding we need to practice with me being clipped in (SPD pedals) and her holding both of us up as she might at a stop sign.
That is why I strongly recommend you connect with a tandem clubb even though you will be riding with your wife. You can learn much from experienced tandem pairs and you won't have to reinvent a wheel in the process of learning to ride together.
You also might be able to bborrow a tandem from someone in the club and have some trial rides to see how it works. I also recommend your wife rides both as captain and as stoker with an experienced rider before she rides with you, just so she has a feel for it and knows what to expect.
Also,  do be sure youand your wife both have and wear decent bike helmets whenever you get on a bike, even for a practice ride around an empty parking lot. Safe riding is key to having fun.
Keep us posted on your progress!
Annemarie in NJ
PS I have not set up a ride in Dallas; I can forward the info from years past should anyone want to take on this task. Thanks! 		 	   		  

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