[Sportsandrec] clueless coaches

jody at thewhitehats.com jody at thewhitehats.com
Wed Jul 11 20:55:10 UTC 2012

Hi Ashley,

I grew up before the time of aides in school.  We had to be self reliant
which I think was a good thing.  Adaptation is one thing but redesigning the
whole game so a blind child can play a ball game is counter productive.  The
other kids resent it and the blind child knows they are the center of
attention.  Better to have the blind child do something they can do without
so much adaptation.

I have had so many great instructors who just took the added step to give
verbal descriptions.  

In practicing the martial arts the instructor would demonstrate and describe
a technique and then I would have my partner practice the technique on me
and that is how I would learn it. 


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