[Sportsandrec] Tandem Biking at Orlando Convention
Bill Kociaba
williamkociaba at comcast.net
Thu Jan 3 22:02:00 UTC 2013
Hi Tai,
That is something I would enjoy being a part of as well
-----Original Message-----
From: Sportsandrec [mailto:sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tai
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2013 4:26 PM
To: sportsandrec at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Sportsandrec] Tandem Biking at Orlando Convention
I would be interested in reviving the tandem biking event that was put on by
the Sports and Rec Division at past conventions. Would anyone else be
interested in this as well?
-----Original Message-----
From: Sportsandrec [mailto:sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
sportsandrec-request at nfbnet.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2013 12:00 PM
To: sportsandrec at nfbnet.org
Subject: Sportsandrec Digest, Vol 83, Issue 1
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: your fitness goals for the up coming year? (Bill Kociaba)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 17:52:24 -0500
From: "Bill Kociaba" <williamkociaba at comcast.net>
To: "'Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List'"
<sportsandrec at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Sportsandrec] your fitness goals for the up coming year?
Message-ID: <000001cde7a9$810b8ec0$8322ac40$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Jessica,
Don't beat yourself up. you have to take breaks both in your workouts and
in your clean eating. Its good for your soul. The workout breaks are
important to allow your body to recoup and for you to stay hungry to do it.
That few weeks away make you miss it and you will attack it with even
greater enthusiasm when you return. The same is true about the hollidays.
You need to eat poorly and just enjoy yourself every now and then. It makes
it easier to stick to the good food when you get back to it.
No one not even world class athaletes train hard and eat perfect all the
If you enjoy that boot camp thats the most important part. If your workouts
are drugery and you dread them you won't get the most out of them. I train
at 5:30 in the morning and if I am not excited about my workouts they just
aren't going to happen.
Well, if you are in Orlando and want to do a bit of training or just pick my
brain or whatever I will be happy to oblige you. I look forward to it.
In answer to your question in the second email about why kettlebells lost
popularity, I wasn't around back then so I don't really know. I am
old(53)but not that old.(LOL) My guess would be that as other pieces of
equiptment like benches for bench pressing etc were invented they were just
put aside. You know the newer stuff has to be better, right?
Maybe that in part and maybe in part because training with them just is
really hard work.
I am glad you enjoy my posts and I will be glad to help push you twords your
goals. But lets not bore everyone on the list. Contact me directly
williamkociaba at comcast.net Have a fantastic and safe new year Hope to hear
from you soon Bill -----Original Message-----
From: Sportsandrec [mailto:sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Jessica Kostiw
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 9:24 PM
To: 'Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List'
Subject: Re: [Sportsandrec] your fitness goals for the up coming year?
I would love to take you up on your Orlando offer! This is Jessica Reed,
from Fredericksburg VA. I am 29 and in okay shape. I was in great shape...
until the holidays. I love reading your posts and love the idea of having
an accountability partner on list.
As far as goals for the new year, I would like to slowly get back into
running. This is a difficult goal because I injured my IT band a few years
ago and my leg has never been the same. Currently I am taking a boot camp
class that does everything. Honestly, the instructor is awesome and I
couldn't ask for any better! My problem now is just that I am eating like
crap and the class took a break and won't start up until the 7th.
Jessica Reed
-----Original Message-----
From: Sportsandrec [mailto:sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Bill Kociaba
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:21 PM
To: 'Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List'
Subject: Re: [Sportsandrec] your fittness goals for the up comming year?
Hi Ashley,
Yes I remember some discussion about TRX a while back. I think someone
training for the para olympics who is in this group mentioned that her coach
was training her on it.
Honestly at that time I had no interest or knowledge of it so I paid little
attention to the thread.
I have only recently become interested in the TRX system. I recently
reconnected with an old employee/friend/training partner of mine from when I
owned my gym. He is the strength coach at a local highschool and he is very
high on the TRX. I started looking into it and have actually had him teach
me the proper form on some of the basic moves. Most of the videos on
youtube and even the ones produced by TRX really suck as far as
descriptivness. If you can't see what they are doing the videos just won't
The TRX is one of those things that you can adapt to be easy enough for a
totally unfit person to use and bennifet from and on the other end of the
spectrum the strongest and fittest person can get a fantastic workout with
it. Its just adapting the movements. Just as an example you can have a
beginner do a regular squat(deep knee bend)while holding the handles and
using their upper body strength to take a lot of the pressure off their legs
and you can go to the other end again by attaching the ankle strap to one
leg and have it suspended in the air behind or in front of you and do one
leg squats(which are increadably difficult to do)and if you can handle those
then you can even make em harder by holding weights in your hands while
doing them.
The movements are done smoothly not super fast or explosivly so yes a blind
person could learn by lightly touching someone performing the movements.
I know its sevral months away but I am planning on attending the national
convention and was toying with the idea of bringing my TRX along and
demonstrating it/training anyone who wanted to give it a try. Totally for
free of course. Honestly just want to share the knowledge and get practise
teaching the exercises. So if you are going to be in Orlando I would be
happy to show you some stuff.
You would probably be able to follow along in a class provided you learned
the moves in advance. The best way would be to bite the bullit(so to
speak)and pay one of the instructors to do a private session or two with you
to get the moves down. Then you would be able to keep up with no problems,
I am sure.
The system is very cardio aggressive as most of the movements are compound
exercises working sevral large muscle groups at once. It is fantastic for
building great cardio fittness and solid core strength as well as improving
balance. Don't know about the rest of you but my balance is probably my
greatest weakness. I am strong and pretty cardio fit but my balance is just
not as good as it should be. Doing things like those one leg squats and
lunges and some of the other moves will help a great deal with that.
There is also a TRX ap on the Iphone. It has little video descriptions of
each movement, a stop watch and multiple programs one can follow. But again
the videos are not clear as far as describing exactly what the move is.
I hope that covered all your questions, Ashley. If I missed anything please
get back to me either here or off line at williamkociaba at comcast.net
So everyone else Like I said I know its sevral months away but I will throw
it out there. Who is going to be in Orlando and is there anyone who would
like to take me up on a little TRX torture?
-----Original Message-----
From: Sportsandrec [mailto:sportsandrec-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Ashley Bramlett
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 11:12 AM
To: Sports and Recreation for the Blind Discussion List
Subject: Re: [Sportsandrec] your fittness goals for the up comming year?
Hello There,
Wow, some goals there. I've considered trying trx and even asked about it in
the past with no response here.
Can you explain what sort of program it is? I know you use the suspenders
for it.
There are reasonably priced classes in it at the local recreation center.
So can you describe it? What are some moves? How do you suggest a person
with limited vision learn it? I suppose its hard to touch someone modeling
it cause they're in a suspended form.
Can someone do this sort of training with average strength? I wasn't sure if
those who can do general cardio fitness like me would be a good candidate
for it or is it more for those who have lifted a lot?
I've done some work with dumb bells but would like a fun way for more
strength training.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Kociaba
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 8:11 AM
To: sportsandrec at nfbnet.org
Subject: [Sportsandrec] your fittness goals for the up comming year?
Hi all,
I have noticed that this list has been very quiet of late and thought I
would throw out something for conversation. First I want to say I never make
new years resolutions. No one ever keeps them and most times people make
unrealistic ones so they have an excuse to not keep them. That being said I
like to set personal goals in my weight training and usually will set time
frames such as my birthday(in may) or by the end of summer, or by a trip I
am planning on taking. I feel these time frames or deadlines(as thats what
they really are)work very well for me. As usually they are a three to six
month time period rather than just saying, "I want to (insert goal) next
I have set the following goals for my strength training/fittness program for
the following year;
by my birthday(may 21) I want to be able to do 15 pull ups(I have always
sucked at them so I avoided them)
I want to be able to incline press the 100lb dumbells for at least 3 reps
I want to achieve a body weight millitarypress
and finally I want to lose 10-15 lbs of bodyfat
I have two more goals for the year that I can not put a time frame on. The
reason being that I have no control when the events will take place.
I want to be certifeid as a TRX trainer and I want to become a HKC certifeid
kettlebell trainer.
I have spoken to the TRX people and they are very receptive to my doing one
of their training programs there are simply none booked in a reasonable
distance at this point. The HKC people were not so receptive but pretty
much said they would be happy to take my money and if I could do it great
and if not just be prepaired that I would not get any breaks. It is a pass
or fail training program that requires a lot of hard physical work and not
just a written test like most personal training certs are. I will simply
have to go into it more prepaired than the rest of the people taking the
OK thats it for me now I would like to hear from some of you as to what you
would like to achievein your own fittness programs in the near future.
I think this list can be more than just an exchange of information and ideas
but also a great source of support and motivation. I would love to hear
from some of you now and then verbaly kicking my butt to keep me going and
would be more than happy to do the same for any of you who want/need a
little push.
Happy new year to you all
PS I hope everyone is having a wonderful holliday.
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