[Sportsandrec] Tandem Biking at Orlando Convention
Everett Gavel
everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Jan 4 23:48:12 UTC 2013
Hello Tai, and all,
I'm interested, yes. I enjoyed the 2010 event in
Dallas. I would love to have Tandeming be a
regularly occurring event at national conventions.
Easier said than done, though, I know. Despite
other things i have going on, if no one else is
tackling it, I'll gladly step up to help.
Please add me to whatever list of helpers you may
have for such an event, Tai. Thanks.
Strive On!
Everett Gavel
Successful Adaptations, llc
~ Now In Colorado Springs, CO ~
everettg at successfuladaptations.com
----- Original Message -----
Subject: [Sportsandrec] Tandem Biking at Orlando
> I would be interested in reviving the tandem
> biking event that was put on by
> the Sports and Rec Division at past conventions.
> Would anyone else be
> interested in this as well?
> Tai
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