[Sportsandrec] Hi Bill

Jody Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Wed Jan 16 19:55:03 UTC 2013

Hi Toni,

Your story about the darts was a riot.  Like daaaaa...

That reminds me of the time we went to an indoor shooting range and I walked
in sighted guide and we never told the guy I couldn't see.  After I came out
with my target he started saying that most wives shoot better than their
husbands, it must be a female thing.  I floored him when I matter of factly
said, yeah and I bet it helps if they can see.


People usually freak out if you ask if you can do something because you are
blind.  They always say no so I just don't say anything until after the
fact.  It is better to ask forgiveness then permission and to hell with
being forgiven!


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