[Sportsandrec] that camping trip I mentioned a couple of months ago

Kelly Thornbury kthornbury at bresnan.net
Mon Jun 24 01:50:56 UTC 2013

Sounds like an exciting trip. Hope you will take some time when you have wound down to share a more detailed accounting of your adventure. 

On Jun 17, 2013, at 6:29 PM, Julie J. wrote:

> Heya all!
> I just got back this morning from that wilderness survival trip I mentioned a couple of months ago.  It was totally awesome!  I had a great time, learned a lot and had no blindness issues.
> My son and I went together for the three day course.  We learned how to build fires without matches or lighters, how to make rope, how to collect and purify water, how to make wooden cups, made a frog gig/spear thingy, learned how to identify some native edible plants, made a couple of different animal traps, made a fishing line and gorge and so many other things.  Most of the lessons were hands on and the instructors were great about working with me individually if I needed it.  They did this with everyone anyway.  The only thing I couldn't follow at all without the 1 on 1 help was tying knots.  I worked with the fire building supplies and sharp knives without the slightest hesitation of the instructor.
> Outside of the lodge area I did find that walking sighted guide was the easiest for me.  By the third day I think I had a good grasp of the area, the hills and the water features and could have navigated it independently. There was so much to learn that I didn't want to take time or mental energy away from the new skills to learn the area though.
> Thanks for all of your great ideas!  It helped me a lot in planning and preparing for this trip and helped it to be a really enjoyable  adventure!
> Julie

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