[Sportsandrec] Waahoo KICKR

Kelly Thornbury kthornbury at bresnan.net
Fri Oct 4 21:32:26 UTC 2013


I've been contemplating the purchase of a Wahoo KICKR bike trainer, and while discussing it's accessibility with the manufacturer was told that they already had a few blind customers (the trainer just hit the market a few months ago). I was wondering if anyone on list uses this trainer? For those that are curious, the KICKR is similar to the CompuTrainer, but is controlled through your IOS device (iPhones, iPads, MacBooks), and Android smart phones (but the android software is not as developed as the IOS software). There are several different ways to control the resistance, both through the Wahoo app and other third-party apps, and they (Wahoo) are cleaning up the apps to allow videos with elevation information (like the CompuTrainer) to change the resistance for the terrain so you could ride bike races or triathlon segments on your trainer. You can also set the trainer at "x" watts, and regardless of how fast or slow you pedal, or what gear you are in, it will only let you produce "x" watts. This allows third-party apps like iMobile to create entire workouts where you can set segments or intervals at specific watts or a percentage of your FTP, then just start the app and forget the adjustments. The KICKR is also capable of using Strava segments, and Strava actually now has a section of "virtual KOMs.  Anyway, just hoping someone herein has some experience with the unit and software. 


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