[Sportsandrec] FW: Register Now for Hope & Possibility®!

TNABA tnaba at bellsouth.net
Tue Apr 22 21:32:12 UTC 2014

Please help spread this amazing opportunity with our friends state, and regionally.


Thank you


TNABA Executive DIrector


From: Achilles Nashville [mailto:achillesnashville at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 11:00 AM
To: tnaba at bellsouth.net
Subject: Register Now for Hope & Possibility®!


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Please join Achilles Nashville to celebrate the power of the human spirit in our great city! 



Hope & Possibility® 

presented by


Friday May 9th & Saturday May 10th  


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Hope & Possibility® Race

Saturday May 10th 8 AM

Certified 5-mile course* & 1-mile course

Common Finish Line Celebration with Music, Food, & Awards

The Hope & Possibility® is the signature race of Achilles International, an international 501(c)3 that brings together able-bodied runners with athletes with disabilities, welcoming all to the wonderful world of athletics. 

Athletes of all abilities, from elite runners to walkers and rollers, are welcome to this community-unifying event.  

ALL registered 5-mile and 1-mile participants will receive a technical race t-shirt and medal. 

Location - Dominican Campus, 4210 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37205



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Thank you Fleet Feet Sports for providing gift cards to the male/female winners in all  categories!

*	Male/Female Open
*	Masters
*	Ambulatory-Disabled 
*	Above-Knee Amputee
*	Below-Knee Amputee
*	Double-Amputee
*	Visually Impaired
*	Handcycles
*	Pushrim Wheelchair
*	Push Division
*	Power Chairs



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 <http://t.e2ma.net/click/bvsbj/n4by4y/vykrnd> Image removed by sender. Register at http://achilles5miler.racesonline.com



of every registration will be given to local organizations, chosen by you, that provide Hope & Possibility® to people in our community every day. 




Friday, May 9th at 6 PM

Inspirational Speaker 


Trisha Meili 


NYTimes Best-Selling Author 

I Am the Central Park Jogger, 

A Story of Hope and Possibility®.

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Trisha's story is not of an attack, but rather, one of healing. The horror of her attack brought an outpouring of support and love from her family, friends, healthcare workers, co-workers, and strangers. Today Trisha is one of the most sought out inspirational speakers on the lecture circuit. Audiences enjoy Trisha's energy, wit, and poignant stories about the power of the human spirit. Through her work, book, and lectures, she reaches out to people struggling through recovery from any number of problems, offering Hope and Possibility®.

$5 advance tickets

Free at the door, as space permits


For advance tickets, or for more information, contact:

270-705-2371 achillesnashville at gmail.com



Montgomery Bell Academy

4001 Harding Road

Nashville, TN 37205

 <http://t.e2ma.net/click/bvsbj/n4by4y/brlrnd> www.achillesinternational.org 

 <http://t.e2ma.net/click/bvsbj/n4by4y/rjmrnd> Like us on Facebook!

222 Carden Avenue | Nashville, TN 37205 US

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