[Sportsandrec] Treadmill maintenance

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 00:59:26 UTC 2015

Hi all,
This question is kind of random, but since it pertains to blindness
and exercise equipment, I thought I'd ask here.
We have a home treadmill and are supposed to lubricate the running
deck every 150 miles or so. The instructions say to loosen the running
belt and then squirt 1/4 bottle of silicone oil evenly over the
running deck under the belt. I'm not sure if there's a nonvisual way
to tell when I've used a quarter of the bottle, and I'm a little
concerned because unlike spraying a baking pan or something like that
where I can just feel if it's evenly greased, it's hard to feel the
entire running deck under the belt. So I'm not quite sure how to tell
when I've used enough and avoid using too much.
Do any of you have experience lubing treadmills, bikes or other
equipment with moving parts, or do you have any suggestions for me? My
husband has been handling this visually but I'd like to take some
responsibility for this maintenance.
Best, Arielle

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