[Sportsandrec] new to the list/ interested in biking.

Robert Moore robertjmoore at embarqmail.com
Thu Mar 3 21:05:47 UTC 2016

Hi I am new to this list. I look forward to hearing what all people are
participating in, I am interested in  getting something with 3 or 4 wheels
for my wife and I to ride. 

 I am interested in learning  about what is available. I have done some
searching and for the cost involved I don't want to get something I will not
be satisfied with. 

My wife is sited but has  physical limitations  as far as  strength and
endurance and also a bad back so comfort and stability along with ease of
getting on and off are more important than speed and high  proformence.

I was thinking more like a side by side four wheel recumbent but I am
starting to think that  the right trike might be just as good for our

 What are your thoughts. 


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