[Sportsandrec] Encountering Cyclists?

Ron Burzese rrburzese at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 10:20:17 UTC 2017


As you may know, I’ve been an avid cyclist for 35 years, on a tandem for the past 20.

In California, they are wanting to pass a law that would allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yield signs. This has been the norm in Idaho for the past 32 years.

There is a group of blind people in my city, who are apposing the bill, saying that it would be unsafe for blind pedestrians.

I, too, am a blind pedestrian and do not see any problems. Do any of you have any stories that would raise a concern for the passing of this bill? I’ll be testifying in favor, but wanted to broaden the scope of experience.

The group who is complaining, does so about everything. You may know who they are, but I’ll leave that to your imagination.

regarding cycling, I’ve been back on the bike, three days per week. I’m losing weight again and feeling better. I was 182 and now, maybe 173. I’ll get weighed today when I give blood.

Be blessed,

Sacramento Ron

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