[Sportsandrec] basketball and hoops

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 2 05:25:42 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Another gym location I’m considering visiting and the community rec facilities have basketball courts. I’ve been informed that informal play goes on there, or you can bring friends to play with in the case of the community places.

What is your experience with basketball? I assume no one has played a traditional game. Yet, we can certainly use basketballs and get the aerobic benefits. Shooting hoops and dribbling around is doable. I learned a bit about basketball and shooting hoops in PE classes.

What have you done and with what accomodations? I have some vision and I used that a bit. Someone told me where the hoop was and sometimes they would tap the backboard of the hoop for me to hear it. I then looked for the hoop and looked for the lines on the court to line up. Someone would have to fetch the ball after I shot it to the hoop since I did not see where it went.
This was back in PE class.
Other players might move around fast and balls can fly through the air. Did people look after you and how did you avoid getting hit by balls?
Did you use an adapted basketball? I think they make them with  bells. Personally, I don’t think that is necessary. After all, you cannot hear the bell when the ball stops rolling.

I’ve just been wondering how accessible basketball is as it seems fun.


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