[stylist] Formatting

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Sun Nov 9 04:29:46 UTC 2008

If you would like to set your document up so that every time you hit a hard 
return (the enter key) you indent the next line, do this:   Go to the beginning 
of your first line.   Type one word.   Press the "Home" key. Press the tab 
key once.   Then press end, and continue typing your first line.   When you hit 
enter the next line will be indented.   It's a short cut, so you don't have to 
go to the paragraphing tool.
In a message dated 11/8/08 4:33:47 PM, rjs059 at peoplepc.com writes:

> What is this Pragraph formatting tool in word I keep hearing sighted people 
> talking about? This is a Jaws question. I was taught when begainning a new 
> paragraph, to use the tab key, however I was told by a sight friend, that I 
> needed to use this paragraphing tool. What are they talking about? RJ

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