[stylist] Sharing

The Crowd the_crowd at cox.net
Tue Nov 11 11:50:10 UTC 2008

I had a great complment on the night of our white cane banquet. A lady named 
Bridget who is studying to be a writer was talking at our table and she said 
she'd recently read a story that sounded like I'd written it. I've shared a 
hand full of stories with her and so I said, yeah, which one?

She said it is a story my a lady named Shirley Jackson. The story is called 
the "lottery". Have I ever read it?

Being over joyed she would put me in the same catagory as the famous and 
excelent writer of "The Haunting of Hill House" I said Ah shucks!!! Thanks 
so much.
 Of course I'd read it, Shirley Jackson is one of the creepiest writers I've 
ever read.

I think that is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my writing. lol

I had to share!


"Qui docet, discit."
"He who teaches, learns"

I have learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
Thanks Dragon Rider :)

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