[stylist] rollerball cane tips

James Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Sat Nov 15 05:04:42 UTC 2008

I always dreamed of having a cane and cane tip that would truly understand me.
Jim Canaday M.A.
Lawrence, KS

At 10:14 PM 11/14/2008, you wrote:
>What?  That roller tip is insensitive?  You better sign it up for 
>empathy training.
>From: "James Canaday M.A.  N6YR" <n6yr at sunflower.com>
>Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 8:39 PM
>To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
>Subject: Re: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
>>yes, that was another problem besides its insensitivity.
>>Jim Canaday M.A.
>>Lawrence, KS
>>At 08:00 PM 11/14/2008, you wrote:
>>>Sticking tip, because it sticks in every crack in the sidewalk. Lol.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>>Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
>>>Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 6:00 PM
>>>To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
>>>Subject: Re: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
>>>yeah!  I only keep it because it looks nice and use it just for formal
>>>occasions where I'm not gonna do much walking!
>>>another term I have for it is: "boat anchor cane" because it is so heavy!
>>>Jim Canaday M.A.
>>>Lawrence, KS
>>>At 07:43 PM 11/14/2008, you wrote:
>>> >Jim, so glad you're getting better.
>>> >Yes, those roller tips aren't all they're cracked up to be. I gave my
>>> >old folding cane away a long time ago, someone was desperate, and
>>> >haven't missed it a bit.
>>> >
>>> >-----Original Message-----
>>> >From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>>> >Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
>>> >Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 5:40 PM
>>> >To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
>>> >Subject: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
>>> >
>>> >hello friends,
>>> >I'm going back to a previous discussion we had regarding canes and cane
>>> >tips.
>>> >the replacement tips I had ordered for my cane were wrong, rainshine
>>> >instead of the standard metal glide tip and I could not get the
>>> >rainshine on my solid fiberglass cane.
>>> >I had a trip downtown this afternoon and thus was forced to use what I
>>> >call my "dress cane" because it looks nice, doesn't appear to have
>>> >survived a nuclear blast.  problem is it is a folding cane, probably
>>> >three times the weight, and made of graphite.  it was given by a state
>>> >functionary.  my "dress cane" has a rolling tip.
>>> >after walking with it downtown on some familiar sidewalks, I can
>>> >conclusively report that it doesn't communicate nearly so much detail
>>> >as my solid, light, metal glide tipped, cane.  I tried tapping (harder
>>> >with heavier cane) and even tried some of the rollerball
>>> >technique.    so, I'm getting metal glide tips ASAP.
>>> >
>>> >one note, during my trip downtown I had to take cover under the awning
>>> >of the newspaper/cable-TV/ISP because it was hailing pea-sized hail.
>>> >hail presents its own travel problems, chiefly the pain and the noise.
>>> >
>>> >and to those who have been praying for me, I am getting better.  thank
>>> >you and thank God.
>>> >
>>> >jc
>>> >
>>> >Jim Canaday M.A.
>>> >Lawrence, KS
>>> >
>>> >
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