[stylist] rollerball cane tips
James Canaday M.A. N6YR
n6yr at sunflower.com
Sat Nov 15 16:50:13 UTC 2008
thanks Robert,
I hadn't thought of people who need continuous contact with the landscape.
the sound is a more important issue by far than what the sighted
mobility instructors make of it.
thanks for your perspective.
Jim Canaday M.A.
Lawrence, KS
At 08:15 AM 11/15/2008, you wrote:
>Roller cane tips are one option of choice. Mainly I've seen them used for
>individuals who need constant contact with the up-coming terrain. This is
>not the average blind traveler, meaning most people I've seen using/needing
>them are individuals having physical issues along with their blindness. And
>sure, some able-body people also use that tip simply because they want that
>type of constant info about what is coming up. And there is a group of
>travelers who use it because that is all they know, because that was the
>travel instructor's narrow minded approach to teaching a blind traveler.
>And here is what that type of tip doesn't give you- you know, for most of
>us, our hearing ability reaches out further than that of our touch. And what
>the majority of blind traveler's have discovered is that the metal tip makes
>the better sound, going out the furthest to bounce off of whatever is out
>there so that we can get a better auditory picture of our immediate
>The thing about this blindness topic, as it is with most, is that we need to
>make sure the blind person needing to make a choice has all the information
>relating to it, so they can make the best choice.
>Robert Leslie Newman
>Email- newmanrl at cox.net
>-----Original Message-----
>From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
>Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 11:04 PM
>To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
>absolutely Barbara! don't give those canes to any kids. I've seen some
>kids locally get them too! I don't think kids learn proper cane technique
>with them.
>what the state functionary said was "this is easier, you just roll it and
>don't tap it."
>so yes, the patronizing rationale is that it is easier.
>so, what does Robert Newman/mobility instructor say about rollerblah cane
>Jim Canaday M.A.
>Lawrence, KS
>At 10:11 PM 11/14/2008, you wrote:
> >I wonder if they came up with those to "help the little chidren be
> >successful with their canes"? I've a friend whose daughter's mobility
> >instructor gave her one for just that purpose. I refuse to let anyone
> >give one to my children.
> >Barbara
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------
> >From: "Angela fowler" <fowlers at syix.com>
> >Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 7:43 PM
> >To: "'NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List'" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
> >Subject: Re: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
> >
> >>Jim, so glad you're getting better.
> >>Yes, those roller tips aren't all they're cracked up to be. I gave my
> >>old folding cane away a long time ago, someone was desperate, and
> >>haven't missed it a bit.
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org]
> >>On Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
> >>Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 5:40 PM
> >>To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
> >>Subject: [stylist] rollerball cane tips
> >>
> >>hello friends,
> >>I'm going back to a previous discussion we had regarding canes and
> >>cane tips.
> >>the replacement tips I had ordered for my cane were wrong, rainshine
> >>instead of the standard metal glide tip and I could not get the
> >>rainshine on my solid fiberglass cane.
> >>I had a trip downtown this afternoon and thus was forced to use what I
> >>call my "dress cane" because it looks nice, doesn't appear to have
> >>survived a nuclear blast. problem is it is a folding cane, probably
> >>three times the weight, and made of graphite. it was given by a state
> >>functionary. my "dress cane" has a rolling tip.
> >>after walking with it downtown on some familiar sidewalks, I can
> >>conclusively report that it doesn't communicate nearly so much detail
> >>as my solid, light, metal glide tipped, cane. I tried tapping (harder
> >>with heavier cane) and even tried some of the rollerball
> >>technique. so, I'm getting metal glide tips ASAP.
> >>
> >>one note, during my trip downtown I had to take cover under the awning
> >>of the newspaper/cable-TV/ISP because it was hailing pea-sized hail.
> >>hail presents its own travel problems, chiefly the pain and the noise.
> >>
> >>and to those who have been praying for me, I am getting better. thank
> >>you and thank God.
> >>
> >>jc
> >>
> >>Jim Canaday M.A.
> >>Lawrence, KS
> >>
> >>
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