[stylist] My comment to the editors of Oprah

Angela fowler fowlers at syix.com
Tue Oct 28 23:31:20 UTC 2008

If you're interested, here's the comment I submitted to the editors of
Oprah's magazine.
As a totally blind woman, I was shocked and appalled by your magazine's
review of the movie BLINDNESS, which states in part: "Blindness conjures a
world where an ordinary gal has a uniquely menial kind of greatness thrust
upon her, where the drudgery of mopping and laundering is a noble calling
and procuring groceries is a do-or-die blood sport-a test of leadership, in
fact. Who would have thought it: 
women's work as the stuff of movie heroism. -J.W."
For your magazine to praise this movie for featuring a female hero is a
gross misrepresentation of the way women are actually portrayed in this
disgusting film. In fact, women are portrayed as objects of sex, possessions
of their husbands. Apparently the writer of this review did not see the part
of the movie when "The Doctor's Wife," "The Wife of the First Blind Man,"
and the rest of the women offer sex in exchange for food for the rest of the
internees, essentially prostituting themselves. Is this the way we would
have women portrayed if we want to get rid of gender-based stereotypes? 
The sexual objectification of women in this film is degrading, but even more
degrading to me is this movie's portrayal of blind people. In vivid detail,
this movie portrays blind people as helpless, unable to do so much as find a
bathroom or take a shower without the help of a sighted person. The message
is that blind people are sub-human, depending on the care of others for our
every need and have not the basic self respect required to so much as
relieve oneself in a bathroom. 
Oprah is supposed to be a friend to minorities, an enemy of societal
discrimination. How could this magazine possibly endorse something which is
so blatantly discriminant against not only women but blind people? You have
made a big mistake, misleading your audience and insulting the intelligence
of those of us who actually have seen the movie or read the book. 
Thank you
Angela Fowler
fowlers at syix.com

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