[stylist] email to Opra

Judith Bron jbron at optonline.net
Wed Oct 29 00:16:19 UTC 2008

Here is what I sent to Opra.  I couldn't access the form on her site so I sent it to Ann Tailor at NFB.  Judith


I find your opinion on the movie, "Blindness", appalling.  Perhaps you saw the heroic woman getting her due but I'm surprised that you didn't look at the plot of the movie and see that her heroism is on the back of blind people.  Blind people, as depicted in the movie, are helpless, disgusting and totally dependent on the sighted community to even use a bathroom.  This depiction underestimates the progress of the blind community over the past century.  If you go to an NFB convention I'm positive you will see clean floors, educated people having a good time while enjoying intelligent conversation and individuals eating with the same manners most mothers teach their children . Weather it was intentional or not, your article tells the world that the positive depiction of a woman is what stands out in this movie that paints one segment of the disabled community in a way that is not only disgusting, but totally inaccurate.  These comparisons in movies or books when talking about other minorities or social underdogs have usually been called as what they are, bigoted, narrow minded portrayals.  

Judith Bron  


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