[stylist] stylist Digest, Vol 64, Issue 7

helene ryles dreamavdb at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 16 22:26:14 UTC 2009

Hi Kerry,
Thanks very much for your advice.
At first Ashok didn't have too much of a character since I found
myself focusing on the other 3. So I gave him Rama's character without
his magical ability. The only draw back is Pyre needing more help from
outside witches but since he comes from a witch clan and goes to a
school run by witches (although it's differant then Hogwarts as
although the teachers are witches they take witches, Dumans and even
purely human children as well as long as they can pay the fee. There
isn't too much about Starhorn here but I do go into more detail in
"Daemon Decendants").

your right about access material being used elsewhere. I've 2 books
writen so far.  "A deafblind girl" was originally a sub plot for
"Demon Decendants" and now it's being split again. So there will be
about four books all branched off from one original storyline.


On 16/08/2009, Kerry Thompson <uinen at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Helene,
> I agree with Lori that a "normal" character, someone the reader can relate
> to, might be a very good thing in a strange and wondrous world where the
> reader may very well feel lost. If you can build an entire story around such
> a character, even if as you indicate the story will be down the line a bit,
> all the better.
> But unnecessary characters is quite a difficult call. A character, no matter
> how minor, can't be said to be unnecessary if he serves a purpose in the
> story. I agree that two siblings in this particular case might well serve
> just as well as three, unless each of the three is individualized and
> contributes something unique to the story. I sympathize with Robert's point,
> but I think you need to evaluate each character with regard to her/his
> relevance and importance to the story.
> The other thing to remember is that you don't need to tell everything in one
> story. That is, it might be better to follow one or two characters and bring
> in others only as they relate to, touch, these two main characters lives.
> You can then write further tales focusing on other characters in the same
> world.
> Kerry
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