[stylist] confusing similar words

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Fri Aug 28 22:17:31 UTC 2009

Lots to chose from:
t h e r e   and t h e i r and t h e y ' r e
t o and t o o and t w o
s i g h t and s i t e and c i t e
Simple words, and therefore most likely to get confused.   Or so I've 
In a message dated 8/28/09 10:27:13 AM, fowlers at syix.com writes:

> Complement and Compliment.
> One means to praise, to speak well of. The other means to reinforce, or to
> make up for one's deficiencies, or balance one out. Which is which?
>     There's another pair of words that's been bugging me lately, but right
> now I can't think of it.

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