[stylist] Plot input.

Alan awheeler at neb.rr.com
Mon Aug 31 09:48:05 UTC 2009

I have an idea for a short story I want to write, but I want input on the strength of the overall idea.  Is it plausible, or am I asking the reader to suspend disbelief too much?

Here's the idea, a couple (I haven't determined married or just lovers) is struggling with communicating with and understanding each other.  In a strange twist of fate, one (or both) have a heart condition that allows them to participate in an experimental surgery to literally swap hearts.  The procedure is a success, but as they go the recovery from the surgery, they disover that they now more deeply understand each other.  Granted, yes, I know, something of a fairy tale, but isn't that what some literature is meant to be?

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