[stylist] December Telephone gathering

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Dec 29 12:59:21 UTC 2009


Sorry you missed! This month we had several people/members  on-line that
hadn't ever participated in the past--  Marilyn Smith, Nancy Scott, Jana
Moynihan, Kristen Diaz, Rachna Keshwani, And also present were-- Peter, Bob
Gardner, Chelsea Cook and I. One of the more interesting parts of the
conversation, for me, was Marilyn and Nancy talking about another writers
group that they belong too wherein they get together 2 times a month, via
the phone, and they have guest speakers, do writing challenges together,
have classes and more (sounds very educational and a demanding
participation). So one thing I will attempt to do for January is, see if the
publisher/writer that spoke to our 2008 Division workshop would join us on
the call. It could be interesting to see what updates she may have for us
and for those who didn't get to listen in on the workshop audio or weren't
there, just the info and personality that this lady has will be good. And of
course, I would like other members who are reading this to think of who they
would be willing to call and invite as a guest to our monthly gathering,
some one with the keys to part of the magic of writing.

President NFB Writers' Division
Robert Leslie Newman
Email- newmanrl at cox.net
Division Website- 

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