[stylist] Request!

The Crowd the_crowd at cox.net
Sun Jan 4 16:26:10 UTC 2009

Hey guys, any chance you can try and change subject lines when the subject 
really changes? I don't read all the emails and certain subject lines I 
deliette, especially if they go way off topic for too long, so just for us 
folks who don't actually read every email? I know some of you do it, but I'm 
gently reminding everyone else!


Life is short ...forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly,
laugh uncontrollably...
and never regret anything that made you smile

"Qui docet, discit."
"He who teaches, learns"

I have learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

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