[stylist] Answer to earlier questions about War Pony

Amy Krout-Horn krouthorn at verizon.net
Wed Jan 21 18:05:34 UTC 2009

Since I'm not sure whether I'll be available for Sunday's phone conference, I wanted to address some previous posts concerning a particular choice of word I made in my story, War Pony. The word, "demise" can be used as a synonym for "end" or "downfall". In the case of the characters, Isaac and Daisy TwoBears, I chose "demise" because the incident with the broken window was, at least for that moment, a knock-out blow in the couple's marital power struggle, regardless of the fact that it was the car, rather than the wife, which had landed it. 
In relationship to power, the word "demise" also is used in reference to one person of power handing over the reins to another, so I felt that the word worked on more than one level.
Thanks for the question and the suggestion, Donna. 

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