[stylist] What comes first?...response to response

Amy Krout-Horn krouthorn at verizon.net
Thu Jan 29 14:29:14 UTC 2009

Hi Judith,
I understand that everyone has their own unique process and that there isn't a "right" or "wrong" way. I simply wanted to get a feel for what my brothers and sisters of the pen are doing when it comes to submitting their work. I like to know these tidbits because I find them fascinating and it feeds my own creative process to hear the ideas and thoughts of other writers. For example, after reading Stephen King's On Writing, I spent one afternoon attempting to work with some heavy metal music playing , as Mr. King stated that it was part of his horror-writing method. What did I get from this experiment? Well, a headache and only about a half of a page, but I thought it was worth a try, as it seems to work for an American horror master. I guess I find "how" writers write as interesting as "what" they write. BTW, I would highly recommend King's book. Best one I've ever read concerning the craft.

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