[stylist] New Book Release, Gabriel Horn and Amy Krout-Horn

Amy Krout-Horn krouthorn at verizon.net
Thu Jun 18 15:27:22 UTC 2009

For Immediate Release


Gabriel Horn and Amy Krout-Horn




"The Mystery holds an endless number of realities, an infinite array of possibilities," she said. "You will become aware of some, more than most men ever will."

The prophetic words of a beautiful shape shifter set Sanders Tahchee forth to carry out his life's purpose. An enigmatic journeyman, he travels through the world, unfettered from the tethers of time, space, or form. Yet he is bound to a single purpose; to search for stories of the sacred things that humans have forgotten. 


Award-winning authors Gabriel Horn and Amy Krout-Horn combine creative forces to bring us Transcendence, (138 pp, TPB $16.99), a contemporary novella steeped in the universal truths of traditional indigenous wisdom.

As an activist for the spiritual rights of indigenous peoples, and an outspoken defender of the natural world, some have called Gabriel Horn (White Deer of Autumn) an agitator and militant, others a warrior and wisdomkeeper. He is, most notably, an eclectic writer, whose body of work includes Native Heart, Contemplations of a Primal Mind, and The Book of Ceremonies. Amy Krout-Horn, Oieihake Win (Last Word Woman) has resided in two worlds; the world of the sighted and the world of the blind. She has been a writer in both of them. A staunch advocate for social and environmental justice, she writes and lectures on native history and culture, diabetes and disability, and humanity's connection and commitment to Mother Earth.


>From the mysterious white sand island of his boyhood, to frozen wind-swept prairie plains, along misty pine-covered coasts, and through the shadowy depths of tropical rain forests, Sanders Tahchee sojourns, the spirit of each collected tale protected within a special object, all carried within a mystical black bundle. But as Tahchee grows older and believes that his life's purpose is nearing completion, he discovers that his destiny still lies on the distant horizon. Now, as time speeds up, the end of the Fourth World drawing ever closer, he must release to humanity, the spirits in his bundle. 


MariJo Moore, celebrated Cherokee author/poetess, says of Transcendence, "There has never been a more exacting time than now for this book. Sacred, mysterious, teaching, giving, expanding, and explaining."


When the bundle is empty, Tahchee returns to the circle where the journey began, the circle where he must finally face the emptiness of his own heart. Will the one, who might fill it, be waiting there?


Stephan Martin, author, Cosmic Conversations, says, ".a journey into the heart of the Mystery as seen through native eyes. Stirringly powerful and beautifully written .a living reminder of the power of story and of native ways of relating to ourselves, each other, and the Earth."


Vice president and senior scholar of the Poynter Institutute for Media Studies, Dr. Roy Peter Clark, refers to the novella as, ".rendered in language so beautiful that it fills up the empty spaces in our collective souls."

 Transcendence is a mesmerizing book of magical realism seamlessly woven with threads of primal wisdom. It will reacquaint readers with the profound beauty of our mother planet, while turning their mind's eye to rarely realized realms of possibility.        Open the pages of Transcendence, and release its stories into your world. 




All Things That Matter Press

79 Jones Rd.

Somerville, ME  04348

Now available in print paperback and e-book at:




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