[stylist] June Writers' Division telephone meeting

Robert Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Jun 27 23:26:14 UTC 2009

(Boy, I just fixed my email program! One hour ago I realized that I hadn't
gotten answers to any mail that I have sent out over the past 5 days. I went
to my out-box and Woo, there were 60 messages! So the two reminders that I
had sent out earlier this week concerning our monthly phone meeting that is
to take place tomorrow, they hadn't gone out!) 

So sorry for this late notice.

The meeting will take place at our usual time- 8:30 Eastern, 7:30 Central,
6:30 Mountain, and 5:30 Pacific.

I did get a few suggestions- what are rules for the use of a comma, how to
deal with writers' block, how to write a chapter book, and Vivian Majors may
come and tell us about a project that is needing writers to create short
children's books (a multimedia project serving children who are suicidal).

The phone number you dial is-  (218) 339-4300 

Then, the access code is- 568839# 

President NFB Writers' Division
Robert Leslie Newman
Email- newmanrl at cox.net
Division Website- 

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