[stylist] Editing while writing

Robert Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Mar 3 02:08:35 UTC 2009

I also edit as I go. The stream goes like this- Write, write until the new
creative surge stops; then while that deeper creative animal rest and
regroups, I spend time cleaning up, doing editing. The time spend editing
and the process of doing the thinking necessary to make intelligent
corrections is the time my creative animal needs to rest and the resulting
clearer text brought about by the editing will sometimes be the stroking and
feeding that can get that anamal roaring again. 

Robert Leslie Newman 
Email- newmanrl at cox.net

-----Original Message-----
From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 12:55 AM
To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] Editing while writing

some of why I do it is the knowledge of glaring problems in my original
composition and I just can't leave that behind me.  but yes, it is like the
conscious part of my mind is then fixing the potholes misspellings, word
problems, etc., while my subconscious mind is clearing the road ahead and
laying things down that just need to be composed in letters.

Jim Canaday M.A.
Lawrence, KS

At 11:22 PM 3/1/2009, you wrote:
>Jim, its funny, but I do the same thing with my essays. I'll write a 
>paragraph or two, and when I run out of steam I'll edit what I've got. 
>Often times once I have edited what I have my mind has somehow moved on 
>to the next piece and I can write it.
>         I spoke of that in my English 1C class, and the instructor 
>said that most people couldn't do that, they needed to write the whole 
>thing and then edit. I would like to hear what other writers think 
>about this. Can you guys edit and write at the same time? Or, do you 
>need to do it separately, and never the two shall meet? Let's talk about
>-----Original Message-----
>From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On 
>Behalf Of James Canaday M.A. N6YR
>Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 9:15 PM
>To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [stylist] Suggestions for Novel Writing
>dear Chelsea,
>that was a well written explanation of your process.
>however some people might do things differently for various reasons.  
>after I write a section I like to go back and do some editing and 
>proofing on it then, I find it actually helps prepare me to write the next
>but that's my method.
>I hope you get a novel published.
>Jim Canaday M.A.
>Lawrence, KS
>At 07:38 PM 3/1/2009, you wrote:
> >Chelsea,  You are right!  Your first book will be a masterpiece!
> >Judith
> >----- Original Message ----- From: "Chelsea Cook"
> ><astrochem119 at gmail.com>
> >To: <stylist at nfbnet.org>
> >Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 3:36 PM
> >Subject: [stylist] Suggestions for Novel Writing
> >
> >
> >Hi all,
> >
> >We are finishing a unit on process in English and had to compose a 
> >set of instructions to the reader. Since this assignment could be 
> >creative, I took the liberty of writing down how I go about 
> >storytelling. Keep in mind, I am just one person, but I thought I'd 
> >share my way with you all. (Lori, anything I forgot or you would like 
> >to add, please feel free to do so.) Let me know what you think.
> >Thanks.
> >
> >How to Write a Novel:
> >
> >1.  Read.  Anything and everything, classic and contemporary, prose 
> >and poetry, fact and fiction.  This will give you a basis of syntax, 
> >style, and structure, and you never know which lines will leap 
> >immediately off the page or sink into your subconscious as future 
> >ideas.  In either case, they will wait for the perfect time and then 
> >scream without
> >relent: "Write me! Write me!"
> >
> >2.  Observe.  Take every new and uncomfortable situation as an 
> >adventure for the senses.  If you are sitting near the kitchen in a 
> >diner, notice the changing smells every second from syrup to mashed 
> >potatoes to fish.  Listen to how the person working calls out orders.
> >Is the voice male or female? Grown or college age? What is the tone?
> >Is the person polite or obnoxious? These (and all other trinkets of 
> >detail you gather) will help shape your characters and worlds later 
> >and add clarity and reality to your writing.  Pay attention, and you 
> >will be rewarded.
> >Note: These two implements are the most important background for the 
> >beginning writer.  Never stop doing them, even in the other phases of 
> >the process.  Also note that the next three steps can be done in any 
> >order as long as they are all accomplished by the end of the book.
> >
> >3.  Find a friend.  Think of a character that will suit the type of 
> >book (which doesn't have to be labeled yet) you want to write.  This 
> >character can be based on traits from real life, traits that you have 
> >(or would like to), traits and actions completely opposite from 
> >yours, or a person whose life you've always wondered about.  However, 
> >it is almost always guaranteed that the character will carry some 
> >part of you, its author and creator.
> >
> >4.  Find a way.  If your characters don't fall into place yet, fine.
> >That's all right.  Create a situation you would like them to get into.
> >Character and plot are so tightly intertwined that by the end of your 
> >book, you may have trouble distinguishing which you started with.
> >Sometimes the author is just the translator for the character; during 
> >others, the book may be going along at such breakneck speeds that all 
> >the writer can do is enjoy the exhilaration, keep the pen moving, and 
> >hang on for the ride.
> >
> >5.  Find a reason.  Maybe you (or your story person) is fascinated or 
> >passionate about a particular subject or hobby.  If so, make that 
> >part (or the whole) development of your book.  You never know where 
> >crazy, wild, seemingly fruitless and unconnected ideas may lead.  
> >Don't dismiss them.
> >
> >6.  Organize Ideas.  Once you have a character, plot, or premise 
> >(remember, any or all will get you started) put ideas together and 
> >see what happens.  Something may come out of this brainstorm.  Write 
> >an outline if that is your preferred method, make connections in your 
> >head while on a walk or in the shower, keep a notebook everywhere; be 
> >comfortable.  There is no "right" way, so long as sparks start fires.
> >
> >7.  Write readily.  Do this whenever, whatever.  Don't worry about 
> >genre or market yet.  Just sit down and compose when time and energy 
> >are on your side.  If neither are, plan for them to be.  Set goals 
> >you know you can meet within an expected limit.  Write on weekends, 
> >mornings, or evenings, whatever block of time works.  Flexibility is 
> >key, and procrastination is detrimental to your work.  If there is an 
> >idea inside you, it will have to come out sooner or later.  Your book 
> >will get finished if you have the passion, willpower, determination, 
> >and persistence to do so.  Also, don't sweat the small stuff.  
> >Writing a novel is not easy.  Just soldier on, take a break (without 
> >leaving
> >entirely) and remember the purpose of revision.
> >Note: During writing, characters and ideas will float freely through 
> >your subconscious.  If you feel another novel or story coming on, 
> >capture as many details and images in a notebook or file as you can, 
> >but concentrate on this project first.  By starting too many books, 
> >your commitment to each will proportionally diminish and you will 
> >never be able to finish any one.  Let every character have his or her 
> >own time, place, and individualized attention to develop and grow.
> >
> >8.  Rest.  After your first-draft manuscript is complete, take a 
> >reprieve from it.  A few weeks or months usually suffices; just 
> >enough time for you to wonder what that story of yours was about anyway.
> >Don't reread your book now, no matter how strong the temptation.  
> >This distance will give you objectivity later for editing.
> >
> >9.  Rewrite (also called revising and editing.) It does not matter 
> >which of these two you do first, as long as both are completed and 
> >you've read your book.  Read through the first draft carefully, 
> >changing and reworking areas as needed.  After this initial stage, 
> >keep cutting and pasting, adjusting and aligning prose until all the 
> >scenes and places in your story (big and small) are there for a purpose.
> >Every word matters, especially in suspense works.  Read your book 
> >aloud; ask for outside opinions.  These are not only crucial to your 
> >rewrite, but will give you valuable feedback and insights as to the 
> >musicality and validity of your story.
> >
> >10.  Stop.  When you have identified problems in your book but are 
> >unable to fix them (or the revisions make things worse) you know your 
> >book is done.  Stop rewriting.  You also know your book is complete 
> >when there is no more work left to do in this phase.  (Don't get hung 
> >up here or you'll keep rewriting forever, and no one wants that.) 
> >Readers want to read, after all.
> >
> >11.  Revel.  You've written a novel! Enjoy the moment.  If the world 
> >of publishing intrigues you, explore that avenue.  If not, take away 
> >the personal satisfaction, pleasures, and growth that you have 
> >composed an entire novel.
> >
> >_______________________________________________
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> >
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