[stylist] At Convention 2009

Robert Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Mar 3 11:18:04 UTC 2009

A great thread! A topic near to my heart! Who on  this list will be
attending convention this year?

Barbara and others- about the Writers' Division's schedule for 2009- on
Seminar Day, Friday July 3rd, we will have a workshop from 1 until 3 in the
afternoon. This will feature a published author from the great state of
Michigan. It will be an opportunity to sit and talk with him or her about
our mutual craft/love. (The person we are looking at was once a college
instructor and guess what his classes were about --- creative writing. I'll
give you a name later, after we sign the deal.) 

Second, our annual Division meeting will be on Sunday the 5th, Division
Meeting Day. Our meeting will be from 1 until 4. We will review the
happenings of this past year, figure out where we need to go in the up
coming year or years and have elections (All offices are up for grabs ---
no, I don't like the word/concept of "grabs" for what we need to expect from
anyone who wishes to help run the business of the Division. So if any of you
are interested to give of some of your time and talent to serve in any of
the leadership roles, write and talk to me off list.) 

We will also have 1 or two guest who will give short cameo presentations
about their writing and/or connections to writing. These would be NFB
members outside of the Division who are talented writers in their own right.

So yes, I'll be there, who else?
President NFB Writers' Division
Robert Leslie Newman
Email- newmanrl at cox.net
Division Website- 

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