[stylist] New THOUGHT PROVOKER 143- The Virtual Blindness Challenge: The Reality Show

James Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Mon Mar 9 05:14:05 UTC 2009

are you watching too much reality tv these days?

it was a very good way of presenting the skills of blindness.   but I 
didn't think it was safe to run with a cane.

Jim Canaday M.A.
Lawrence, KS

At 08:44 PM 3/8/2009, you wrote:
>Fellow writers: Check out this latest THOUGHT PROVOKER. It is one of my
>RE:  The Virtual Blindness Challenge: The Reality Show
>Here is my 143rd THOUGHT PROVOKER. It is a reality show. Fully sighted
>contestants agree to forgo their sight and learn blindness skills. There are
>challenges, winners and losers. Have a read and tell us what you think; is
>there value in this shows concept? If you have not read the PROVOKER, it
>follows.  Recall that I collect responses and post them upon my web site for
>all the WWW to read and learn from and that URL is-
>Http://thoughtprovoker.info <http://thoughtprovoker.info/>   If you wish to
>receive THOUGHT PROVOKERS sent directly to you, just write me and ask, at-
>newmanrl at cox.net
>The Virtual Blindness Challenge:
>The Reality Show
>"Welcome to The Virtual Blindness Challenge: The Reality Show!  (On screen a
>tall dark-haired man stands, long white cane in one hand, cordless
>microphone in the other.) This is Final Challenge Day of week four, the
>final test. In today's challenge our remaining two students will have their
>final faceoff. The one to successfully complete their challenge assignment
>first will win the grand prize of $10,000. Will it be Patty Hartman,
>twenty-six-years old, a single mother, and unemployed?" (The screen shows a
>petit blonde woman with a black sleepshade strapped snuggly over her eyes
>and upper face. She stands smiling; a long white cane as tall as she rests
>easily at her side.)
>The MC steps around to the second student. "Or will it be Simon Brown, 32,
>married, a recent veteran of the Iraq War, soon to enter college." (The
>screen fills with a well-built young man with a dark, suntanned, skin tone;
>standing at military ease, a long white cane as tall as his eyebrows in the
>crook of an elbow.  His facial expression below the black of the sleepshade
>shows the nonchalance of confidence.)
>"But before we show highlights of Patty's and Simon's progress to date,
>allow me to set the stage.  Twenty-eight days ago twelve fully sighted
>participants began the Virtual Blindness Challenge. All agreed to wear
>sleepshades, were given the same tools, and taught the same blindness
>skill-sets. Ten have been eliminated. The judging is simple--if you don't
>excel, you are cut. This challenge is to find the best."
>  "Let us take a quick review of Patty's journey in virtual blindness from
>that first day, up to this Final Challenge."
>The first scene: Patty is pulling on her sleepshade, a look on her face that
>may have said, "I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into, but I'm
>committed, I doing this!" Second: the first cane travel lesson; a hesitant
>step, uncoordinated probing and swinging of the cane. Third: learning
>Braille; writing with a Braille slate and stylus; fingers reading a thick
>Braille magazine. Fourth: pouring water from a large pitcher into a small
>glass; Fifth: frosting a cake. Sixth: threading a needle with a wire-loop
>needle threader; using a sewing machine. Seventh: seated at a computer, the
>screen showing what she is typing and a synthesized voice enunciating what
>she keys in. "Blindness is doable." Eighth: drilling a board with an
>electric hand drill.
>The MC extends the microphone toward her. "Patty, how are you feeling about
>your blindness skills?  Ready for this Final Challenge?"
>"You bet, Ross, I'm very ready. Just in the past week my ability to pick-up
>on echo location has come in strong and now on travel, I can fly!"
>"Now here is Simon's journey in virtual blindness."
>First scene: Simon, face showing quiet self-confidence slips his sleepshade
>down over his eyes. Second: cane held steady in his strong grip, he explores
>a staircase. Third: inserting a sheet of paper into a Braille slate; reading
>a Braille label on a can of soup. Fourth: checking meat on a hot charcoal
>grill. Fifth: threading a self-threading needle; hand-sewing a button onto a
>man's shirt. Sixth: keying into a laptop, its screen showing a familiar
>logo, and from the speakers we hear, "Google." Seventh: Cutting with a
>circular saw; sanding a newly built picnic table.
>  "Simon, how are you doing? Up for the final cut; ready to take the grand
>prize home?"
>"Yes, sir.  That's affirmative.  And Ross, you once compared this challenge
>to military boot camp. I would say, yes, in that both are a form of
>preparation, of training the mind, and training muscle memory. But the game
>is different; war can kill you, blindness will not. Life goes on and you
>just use alternative methods to be successful."
>The camera focuses on the MC handing each of them a Brailled sheet. "Though
>the day has just begun, you two have much to do. Here are your last
>challenge instructions. Read your challenge and do your best!  We'll be
>waiting here at the finish line with the grand prizes-winner takes all! And
>the clock starts now!"
>The camera zooms to both contestants, seated, intense faces, fingers reading
>their instructions.
>The camera follows as both contestants walk down the front steps. Simon
>turns right, long strides carrying him swiftly south. Patty turns left,
>north, her shorter stride quickening, moving into a trot, cane flashing in
>the early morning sun, she begins to run.
>Robert Leslie Newman
>Email- newmanrl at cox.net
>Writers Division web site:
>http://www.nfb-writers-division.org <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/>
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