[stylist] Saint Patrick's greeting

Robert Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Tue Mar 17 11:03:00 UTC 2009

Description: As the email opens an unfocused picture of a dark shamrock
shape fills the screen; the image slowly sharpens. Now fully in focus, the
image first appears to be- the  large round leaves of a Kelly green shamrock
extending into the four quadrants of the monitor screen, a short stem juts
off at an angle to the 7:00 position. At closer examination, it is a man's
smiling face staring out of the monitor; the top two leaves of the shamrock
extent out from a tightly fitting skullcap reminiscent of the old Micky
Mouse hat; the lower leaves are painted on to the cheeks of the man's face
and the stem is the man's tongue. It is Robert Leslie Newman- HAPPY SAINT

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