[stylist] Blind realtor

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Fri Mar 27 16:09:39 UTC 2009

I bet if we ask, we'll find there are definitely blind Realtors, or real 
estate agents out there.   You keep your records in Braille or on computer, and 
you take cabs or have people drive you.   A GPS probably helps as well.
In a message dated 3/27/09 10:38:53 AM, jbron at optonline.net writes:

> Blind realtor?  Don't know about that one.  A realtor has to get to the
> property they are representing, show it to perspective buyers or renters and
> know visually what he is showing.  All of us are capable of getting around
> our homes, but a realtor has to get around hundreds of properties.  It is
> relatively easy for all of us to say blindness is no big deal, we've been
> dealing with it for years.  However, someone who just became blind is
> scared.  I understand.  I've had to do it.  It's not easy.  Judith
> --

Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood00000001)

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