[stylist] consternation! and befuddlement!<sp>

John Lee Clark johnlee at clarktouch.com
Mon Mar 30 18:00:40 UTC 2009

Thank you for your good wishes, Judith!  But real estate isn't my thing.
Still, there's a deafblind lady here who is getting her realtor certificate.
What a time to enter into the business!  But she loves it.  Would be
interesting to know how she does in time.

-----Original Message-----
From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Judith Bron
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:40 PM
To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
Subject: Re: [stylist] consternation! and befuddlement!<sp>

John, If you can pull it off, I wish you the best.  Judith
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Lee Clark" <johnlee at clarktouch.com>
To: "'NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List'" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [stylist] consternation! and befuddlement!<sp>

> Judith:
> I "see" no problems with a blind realtor.  In fact, it could be made into 
> a
> whole wheelbarrow full of creative advantages.
> I'm already thinking of many cool ways to draw people in, many great jokes
> and sound bites, and killer interactive sales pitches where you get the
> visitors involved in the inspecting of the property in a totally new and
> cool way!
> Blind realtors rule!
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
> Behalf Of Judith Bron
> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 6:37 AM
> To: NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [stylist] consternation! and befuddlement!<sp>
> Blind realtor?  Don't know about that one.  A realtor has to get to the
> property they are representing, show it to perspective buyers or renters 
> and
> know visually what he is showing.  All of us are capable of getting around
> our homes, but a realtor has to get around hundreds of properties.  It is
> relatively easy for all of us to say blindness is no big deal, we've been
> dealing with it for years.  However, someone who just became blind is
> scared.  I understand.  I've had to do it.  It's not easy.  Judith
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "James Canaday M.A. N6YR" <n6yr at sunflower.com>
> To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [stylist] consternation! and befuddlement!<sp>
>> Frank,
>> I don't think blindness is a severe disability, for one thing because
>> there are more intense disabling conditions.
>> in 2000 I acquired congestive heart failure, and it got much worse 
>> through
>> 2004.  you want disablement, there ya' go.  there is nothing like cardiac
>> fatigue, it is mental and physical.  and I couldn't walk around the block
>> at the worst.
>> blindness by itself doesn't prevent us  from doing many things.  and some
>> the goal can be achieved through alternative means.
>> you are right, blindness shapes who we each are as persons.  it might 
>> make
>> more difference that way than hair color or height.  but blindness has
>> good and bad effects, brings strengths and inabilities.
>> I know you are hanging on to your limited vision.  but you have not been
>> taught the blindness methods, have you?
>> at least from my experience I think if you tried some of them you would
>> appreciate them and find you could accomplish more.
>> btw, kudos for your independent life and work.
>> would you answer a question I have Frank: with your very low vision, how
>> does that interact with being a realtor?  do you or anybody else know any
>> blind realtors?
>> jc
>> Jim Canaday M.A.
>> Lawrence, KS
>> At 05:08 PM 3/26/2009, you wrote:
>>>Pardon but i'm still hugely confused.     Blindness is not a sever
>>>disability?    I guess that boils down to what you mean by disability.
>>>For me, can i function with my poor sight?  yes
>>>has it been a major factor in making me who i am today?  yes
>>>Have i adapted?  yes
>>>If a surgeon offered me a safe ethical procedure to repair all damage and
>>>give me 20/20 vision, would i take it?  Good grief yes!
>>>--- On Thu, 3/26/09, helene ryles <dreamavdb at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> > From: helene ryles <dreamavdb at googlemail.com>
>>> > Subject: Re: [stylist] Does anyone want to be blind?
>>> > To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
>>> > Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 11:43 AM
>>> > Judith and Alan:
>>> > Thanks for the advise. Dad was better then he was last
>>> > year, but there
>>> > is still a long way to go. I've accepted blindness.
>>> >
>>> > Yes, I think doctor's have got it wrong. I think that
>>> > they see
>>> > blindness as something to be cured from (if possible)
>>> > because their
>>> > perseption of blindness is of a severe disability which it
>>> > isn't. With
>>> > the right kind of training a blind person only has a minor
>>> > disability
>>> > not a severe one.
>>> >
>>> > Say take a child who is born with ROP who has EVERYTHING
>>> > done to save
>>> > what little vision they've got. They spend their
>>> > childhood struggling
>>> > with very severe sight loss but since the parents put such
>>> > a lot of
>>> > effort into saving that little sight, they want the child
>>> > to be as
>>> > 'normal' as possible which means no braille, no no
>>> > cane. That kid is
>>> > relying on their weakest sense. Then their retina detaches
>>> > itself
>>> > completely. They are no longer at the stage where braille
>>> > can be
>>> > learnt quite as easily. They are say in 11th grade and are
>>> > supposed to
>>> > be studying but now they have this problem of not being
>>> > able use
>>> > vision any more. Having to learn braille by touch. Having
>>> > to learn
>>> > long cane, all that on top of studying. If they fail then
>>> > they might
>>> > blame this on the sight lose, but that wouldn't be
>>> > true. They failed
>>> > because the family and their doctor clung too much on their
>>> > sight. So
>>> > once it went. Their whole way of life went too.
>>> >
>>> > If Their parents hadn't done that. Hadn't spent so
>>> > much time and
>>> > effort at the eye doctors to make the child have better
>>> > vision. Put
>>> > all that effort into learning braille, long cane, daily
>>> > living etc...
>>> > They really wouldn't have needed to fail.
>>> >
>>> > Of course a 3rd option could have been to have the best of
>>> > both
>>> > worlds. But that's another problem. The fact that so
>>> > few low vision
>>> > kids learn braille or other blind skills.
>>> >
>>> > Helene.
>>> >
>>> > On 26/03/2009, Judith Bron <jbron at optonline.net>
>>> > wrote:
>>> > > Perhaps we should be sending this thread to doctors.
>>> > As medical
>>> > > professionals they are committed to saving as much
>>> > sight as possible.
>>> > > According to this thread some of their treatments and
>>> > procedures are wrong.
>>> > > Do any of us have the right to tell them not to do
>>> > what they strive to do?
>>> > > Judith
>>> > > ----- Original Message -----
>>> > > From: "James Canaday M.A. N6YR"
>>> > <n6yr at sunflower.com>
>>> > > To: "NFBnet Writer's Division Mailing
>>> > List" <stylist at nfbnet.org>
>>> > > Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:29 PM
>>> > > Subject: Re: [stylist] Does anyone want to be blind?
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >> yes,
>>> > >> reading with my one squinty eye gave me headaches
>>> > too.
>>> > >> personally I think far far too often the educrats
>>> > resort to "sight saving"
>>> > >>
>>> > >> techniques when they should push braille and other
>>> > blindness methods and
>>> > >> skills.
>>> > >> jc
>>> > >>
>>> > >> Jim Canaday M.A.
>>> > >> Lawrence, KS
>>> > >>
>>> > >> At 07:06 PM 3/25/2009, you wrote:
>>> > >>>Jim: I can identify with that since I was glad
>>> > to lose the rest of my
>>> > >>>hearing for similar reasons. Being presurized
>>> > into verbal
>>> > >>>communication methods that I struggled with
>>> > with powerful migrane
>>> > >>>inducing hearing aids. Phew! I was glad when
>>> > that was over.
>>> > >>>
>>> > >>>Helene
>>> > >>>
>>> > >>>On 26/03/2009, James Canaday M.A.  N6YR
>>> > <n6yr at sunflower.com> wrote:
>>> > >>> > once I became blind I was then taught
>>> > braille and the audio reading
>>> > >>> > methods.  that made reading much much
>>> > more pleasurable and
>>> > >>> > easier!  "sight saving" meant I
>>> > was reading with my one squinty eye
>>> > >>> > peering through jewelers' loop
>>> > magnification lenses that came down in
>>> > >>> > front of my glasses lense.  I would not
>>> > have gone to college if I had
>>> > >>> > not lost my sight at age thirteen.
>>> > >>> > jc
>>> > >>> >
>>> > >>> > Jim Canaday M.A.
>>> > >>> > Lawrence, KS
>>> > >>> >
>>> > >>> > At 06:38 PM 3/25/2009, you wrote:
>>> > >>> >>I wasn't really thinking of people
>>> > already blind although I've heard
>>> > >>> >>of blind people saying that blindness
>>> > was the best thing that happened
>>> > >>> >>to them. Wasn't that a line at the
>>> > end of one of Robert's thought
>>> > >>> >>provokers?
>>> > >>> >>
>>> > >>> >>I was thinking more of sighted people
>>> > with a disorder called BIID
>>> > >>> >>where people want to be disabled:
>>> > Usually amputee's but I've heard
>>> > >>> >>some of them wanting to be deaf or
>>> > blind.
>>> > >>> >>
>>> > >>> >>Also I know of someone who was born
>>> > blind, regained his sight and is
>>> > >>> >>now losing it again due to Glycoma and
>>> > he says he is glad to be blind
>>> > >>> >>as he says he was meant to be blind.
>>> > >>> >>
>>> > >>> >>As for me, I make deafblindness part
>>> > of my lifestyle. It's been a
>>> > >>> >>concious choice for me to fully
>>> > embrace being a deafblind person and
>>> > >>> >>move on. It's not easy to begin
>>> > with, but once one fully adapts it's
>>> > >>> >>no big deal. I believe that humans are
>>> > a very adaptible species that
>>> > >>> >>can manage perfectly well minus one or
>>> > two senses. It's not the
>>> > >>> >>tragedy that people make of it.
>>> > It's no worse or better then being
>>> > >>> >>sighted. Just differance and it's
>>> > the differances that are hard at
>>> > >>> >>first, not the blindness
>>> > >>> >>
>>> > >>> >>Helene
>>> > >>> >>
>>> > >>> >>On 25/03/2009, LoriStay at aol.com
>>> > <LoriStay at aol.com> wrote:
>>> > >>> >> > Not if they aren't there
>>> > already.   What does wanting have to do
>>> > >>> >> > with
>>> > >>> >> > it?
>>> > >>> >> > Lori
>>> > >>> >> > In a message dated 3/24/09
>>> > 8:15:48 PM, timber_wolf899 at yahoo.com
>>> > >>> >> > writes:
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> >>
>>> > >>> >> >> does anyone want to be
>>> > blind?
>>> > >>> >> >>
>>> > >>> >> >>
>>> > >>> >> >>
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> >
>>> > >>> >> > **************
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>>> > store?  Make dinner for $10 or
>>> > >>> >> > less.
>>> > (http://food.aol.com/frugal-feasts?ncid=emlcntusfood00000001)
>>> > >>> >> >
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