[stylist] "Slate and Style" Winter issue deadline

Shelley J. Alongi qobells at roadrunner.com
Mon Nov 9 08:33:11 UTC 2009

Hello All,

For anyone interested, the deadline for submission of articles for "Slate and Style" is fast approaching. We will not be soliciting fiction for this issue as our pages will be crammed full of exciting offerings from our youth contest and a selection from our adult contest. If you have articles on writing with a maximum entry of 1000 words that you're polishing up please get them ready and send them along to me at qobells at roadrunner.com. Please send them off list. Should you have poetry for consideration please send it to loristay at aol.com by November 21. If you are working on fiction submissions please consider them for publication in our spring issue, 2010. 

Everyone's hard work last year has provided us with lots of fiction for this issue but we're always looking for future submissions. Short fiction will be accepted up to 2000 words in length and poetry is a maximum of 36 lines. 

Also for anyone on the print list please accept our sincerest apologies for the version sent out this time. it seems there was a file mixup for which I will take personal responsibility as chief editor. the situation has been remedied. We will keep all issues in their corrected format separate and will provide all future back issues of the fall issue in their corrected version. thank you for all your patience as we transition to our new system. 

Have a great day and keep dreaming! 
Shelley J. Alongi 
Home Office: (714)869-3207
NFBWD "Slate and Style" editor 

"What sparked your interest in trains?"
"The face of an engineer who knew he was going to get killed by a freight train."
---SJA for anyone who wants to know
To read essays on my journey through the Chatsworth train accident, train travel, and now meeting the engineers, Metrolink 111 or other interests click on http://www.storymania.com/cgibin/sm2/smshowauthorbox.cgi?page=&author=AlongiSJ&alpha=A

updated November 1, 2009

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