[stylist] Trials of an honorary Dragon. Chapter 15

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Tue Oct 6 03:25:40 UTC 2009

I'm thinking it depends on how and why it is done.   For example, when I 
was in school, a teacher could paddle a child, but could not do it so hard as 
to injure him, and had to have a good reason for the discipline.   For 
someone to hit someone else (even a child) over the head comes under child abuse 
rather than discipline.   Swatting one's child on the tush might be 
acceptable.   I'm not so sure about the other.   And starving one's child, or trying 
to kill him/her is never acceptable, especially when it is done openly.   
Other opinions?
In a message dated 10/5/09 2:52:02 PM, dreamavdb at googlemail.com writes:

> Hi Lora,
> Thanks for getting back to me about this.
> You will find out more about the package later on.
> As to the abuse. It's only in recent times that physical abuse has
> stopped being permitted.
> When I was at school teachers were alowed to hit students and I don'tt
> think they would have stopped a parent from doing it. I know several
> parents who hit their children, yet nothing is done about it. It's not
> as far fetched as it seems.
> helene

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