[stylist] Hi, I'm new!

helene ryles dreamavdb at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 7 21:41:47 UTC 2009

It's not true that all writers worry about their ideas being stolen. I
don't really.

I write for the love of writing and also to fill in what I feel is an
empty space literacy because so many books are written about non
disabled people or 'disabled people' in literacy tend to be
misrepresented and made to be all sad wheras this isnt always the
case. I don't care if people steal my ideas since I've more then
enough to go round.

In particular, I would welcome someone to share my idea of having a
book with a blind or otherwise disabled  character/characters in their
novels, that would be really great since we need more such books
about. Instead of just writing about non disabled people.


On 07/10/2009, slery <slerythema at insightbb.com> wrote:
> Toni,
> First, don't worry about your ideas being stolen. All new writers worry
> about this. The truth is, only you can write your story. Even if some one
> liked the idea, the story they would come up with would not be the same.
> And, other writers are busy working on their own ideas.
> Second, there is no such thing as "sort of" fiction. If the story happened
> in real life, it is non-fiction. If you made up the characters and story, it
> is fiction. Fiction can be set in real time, real places, and even mention
> real people.
> Welcome to the list.
> Cindy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org
>> [mailto:stylist-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Toni
>> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 3:23 PM
>> To: stylist at nfbnet.org
>> Subject: [stylist] Hi, I'm new!
>> Hi all,
>> I just joined this list yesterday. I was invited by Robert
>> Newman. I recently had a book published through
>> http://www.lulu.com/ It is all about using Microsoft Word
>> 2007 with JAWS 10.
>> Lulu.com will publish an ebook for someone for free and will
>> market it for you. They take a percentage of every sale. I
>> ask $25 for my book. Lulu takes $5 and I get $20. You can get
>> your payments through PayPal. If you do, you will get your
>> checks quicker. I get my checks directly from Lulu and they
>> come quarterly. I like it that way as the checks are bigger.
>> I may at some point change my mind about that, but for now,
>> this works. The only problem about doing it the way I did is
>> I cannot get an ISBN number. I didn't see a point in getting
>> a print copy of the book if its readers cannot read print.
>> There is still a copyright on it though. If you go through
>> Lulu, your book is considered to be self published. I had
>> contacted AFB Press, but was turned down for publication. At
>> least this way I can get my name out there so that books I
>> choose to write and try to get published, I can say I have
>> had some published. Publishers want to know if you have had
>> other stuff published before many of them will consider your work.
>> What happens if I spin ideas off of this list? Has anyone
>> ever taken someone else's ideas and claimed them for their
>> own? I am working on a book right now, but am at a standstill
>> because I need to do more research on my topic. It is sort of
>> fiction, but could really happen. The characters in it are fictional.
>> I am currently not employed, not for lack of trying. I am a
>> volunteer though at the Division of Services for the Blind
>> here in the state I live in. I am also taking computer classes.
>> I have had some poetry published on http://www.poetry.com/ It
>> has been a few years, so I don't even know if you can search
>> for my poetry anymore. I can say though that I have had some
>> published. I don't do that anymore as they charged me to
>> publish my poems in their anthologies. I "won" a Poet of
>> Merit Award back in 2001, but they charged me also for my
>> "silver" bowl.
>> I just wanted to introduce myself.
>> Toni R. Fraser
>> Want to learn Microsoft Word 2007 with JAWS? Check out my new
>> ebook at:
>>  <http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=4554432>
>> http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=4554432
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