[stylist] a poem

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Thu Oct 8 02:55:37 UTC 2009

The story itself calls Esther Mordechai's niece.    He adopted her after 
her parents died, and raised her as his own.   She was fourteen, I think, when 
drawn into the king's harem to vie for the honor of being his wife. The 
rest is simply opinions of scholars who like to argue.   (My opinion, folks.   
Take it for what it is.)
In a message dated 10/6/09 12:08:20 AM, jbron at optonline.net writes:

> Esther's courage is more obvious when you go into her identity.  Was
> Mordechai her husband or uncle?  There are conflicting opinions on this
> topic.  It is said by those who assert that Mordechai is her husband, that
> Mordechai gave her a get, a Jewish divorce, before she went to the king.  
> In
> other words, she broke up a happy home for the benefit of her people.  I
> believe that she gave birth to one son fathered by the King.  His name was
> Darian.  According to Jewish law he was Jewish because his mother was a 
> Jew.
> He eventually became King of Persia and built the second temple in
> Jerusalem.  The Temple was destroyed in the year 70 C.E.  Judith

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