[stylist] Shelley's newest Metrolink Writing: Questions People Ask

Shelley J. Alongi qobells at roadrunner.com
Thu Oct 8 13:08:49 UTC 2009

Good morning cast and bells, Tuesday was a stellar day in the non logic department at the fullerton station. Tomorrow Friday I'm off to Simi Valley to see that accident memorial and race through Chatsworth to say hi and then catch Glen's train and hopefully arrange a wave at the engineer as Irun past, roller skate would be a more apt description. So I'm posting this latest essay because I'm still one behind. It's a good thing I took notes. It's also a good thing I have a three day weekend! So now I'm off to work, I have a ten hour day not including lunch. So have a fun weekend and I'll regale you with train adventures..that is if you want to read them. 
Shelley J. Alongi 
Home Office: (714)869-3207
NFBWD "Slate and Style" editor 

"What sparked your interest in trains?"
"The face of an engineer who knew he was going to get killed by a freight train."
---SJA for anyone who wants to know
To read essays on my journey through the Chatsworth train accident, Metrolink 111 or other interests click on http://www.storymania.com/cgibin/sm2/smshowauthorbox.cgi?page=&author=AlongiSJ&alpha=A

updated September 24, 2009

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