[stylist] Clarification on some points on my Metrolink writings

Shelley J. Alongi qobells at roadrunner.com
Tue Oct 13 04:34:19 UTC 2009

Hello Everyone, 

I'm glad that those of you who are taking the time to read my Metrolink writings are enjoying them. I've gotten a few comments about the latest essay "Finding the Gold Nuggetts" and so I'd like to respond publicly just to help you get some more background on the railroad companies here. Believe me a year ago I didn't know mucha bout them. Here is a bit of information on the two main companies here, Amtrak and Metrolink. Amtrak is most familiar to everyone because it is the only long distance passenger service here in the United States. Amtrak and commuter rail carriers contratct to serve many of the same stations in a particular area. Sometimes commuter rail services build separate stations and Amtrak doesn't serve them or visa versa. The area that I talk about in my essays is served by our Southern California REgional Rail Authority, Metrolink. Metrolink serves five counties in southern California. It operates 480 miles of track. It serves many of the same stations Amtrak serves only with different hours. No passenger trains run at night here, only freight trains. The two lines that I take my journeys on are Metrolink's Ventura County Line and also the Orange County line. The Ventura County line serves Chatsworth and Simi Valley, the two stations on that line I need to visit most often so far. The Ventura County line is the line on which the accident which killed Rob Sanchez the Metrolink engineer and 24 other commuters on September 12, 2008 occurred. This is the accident I refer to. The Metrolink Orange County line is the one I take to get back to Fullerton and that's the line where Glen comes in. All of the Metrolink lines, Ventura County line, Orange County line, Riverside line, San Bernardino Line, 91 line all terminate in Los Angeles Union Station. Fred pointed out that the relationship between the carriers was a little confusing so I thought I'd straighten it out here and it gives me the idea that I need to include it in my essays when the information will help clarify events and locations, etc. He mentioned not being familiar with geographic locations so I'll work on including information about those in relation to where we start out train journeys. Let me know if you have any questions like that I find them very useful for improving my writing. I have a feelign this is all goign to be a book someday or at least on my website. I I don't believe in making money off people's blod sweat and tears.

Now the other thing is about me getting into the front of the line, causing trouble. Just some notes about me. I don't generlaly go around trying to cause trouble just for the sake of causing it but when theres' a wrong I think needs addressing I'm more than willign to do it. The whole idea of a memorial plaque for Rob Sanchez the engineer just seems to be the right thing though it's very controversial. It may take years for this to materialize as a reality though the plaque is on the wall above my computer. When we talk about me getting in the front of the line it means I'm willign to take on such a controversial subject. There have been other instances in my life when I've confronted issues that needed confronting and worked to bring about solutions. Believe me if I feel thers' an issue that needs addressing I'm more than willing to address it. So haha I'm not a troublemaker just for the heck of it; it takes way too much energy. 

And I have another essay to write because I ended up at the station tonight when the call volume was sufficient for me to only work eight hours today and not ten. I was happy to give up the overtime. I dont' mind working it but if theres' not enough work I'm happy to do my part and then do my other life. 

Oh and if anyone is wondering about the print issue of "Slate and Style" it's on the radar for this week. Thanks for your patience. 

And enjoy more essays when I write them. 

Thanks for reading and thanks for your input when you feel you can do that. 

Happy writing. 
Shelley J. Alongi 
Home Office: (714)869-3207
NFBWD "Slate and Style" editor 

"What sparked your interest in trains?"
"The face of an engineer who knew he was going to get killed by a freight train."
---SJA for anyone who wants to know
To read essays on my journey through the Chatsworth train accident, Metrolink 111 or other interests click on http://www.storymania.com/cgibin/sm2/smshowauthorbox.cgi?page=&author=AlongiSJ&alpha=A

updated September 24, 2009

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