[stylist] Metrolink111: Listening to the Engineer

Shelley J. Alongi qobells at roadrunner.com
Sun Oct 18 18:13:52 UTC 2009

Good Sunday morning colleagues and Bells,

AFter gushing about Glen the Metrolink engineer all last week here's the story I haven't told you yet.
Shelley J. Alongi 
Home Office: (714)869-3207
NFBWD "Slate and Style" editor 

"What sparked your interest in trains?"
"The face of an engineer who knew he was going to get killed by a freight train."
---SJA for anyone who wants to know
To read essays on my journey through the Chatsworth train accident, Metrolink 111 or other interests click on http://www.storymania.com/cgibin/sm2/smshowauthorbox.cgi?page=&author=AlongiSJ&alpha=A

updated September 24, 2009

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