[stylist] DBG 7 (completely new chapter)

LoriStay at aol.com LoriStay at aol.com
Thu Sep 17 21:28:38 UTC 2009

I can't quite believe the benign part if some of the dragons eat people, 
and all of them consider people animals.
In a message dated 9/16/09 5:07:01 PM, dreamavdb at googlemail.com writes:

> As to the dragon's relationship with humans. It's sort of like a
> benine dictatorship. Most Darthrilian humans worship the Dragons.
> Plus, not all dragons eat humans. They generally make a show of living
> in harmony with Mankind. It all happens beneath the serface. Dragons
> are like humans that you get good dragons, bad dragons and ones that
> are a mixture of the two.
> Plus in real life, there are so many illogical human behaviour that to
> make humans as logical rational creatures would in my opion be far
> fetched.
> Helene

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