[stylist] stylist Digest, Vol 72, Issue 13

Kerry Thompson uinen at earthlink.net
Wed Apr 14 20:20:50 UTC 2010

Hi friends,

Susan, it's been absolute ages! How are things at the Blind Catholics list?

Donna, I haven't been paying attention; didn't know you're a Folk musician. I too like Folk and would love to see a revival. How exciting for you to work with Sing Out!

Hi Joe. I remember you from a number of years back. Good to see you again. It's funny; what you say about your writing applies to mine as well to an extent. I have a lot of unfinished work in the computer. Also, I recently dusted off a piece started years ago, a piece which is currently almost novel-length. I hope to finish it this year. I'm currently editing an anthology for the Division. E-mail me for details if you're interested.

Welcome, Brad. It's unsafe to publish your phone number.

Hey, Robert! Have you not been getting my e-mails?

Hi Jim. Missed you at the last monthly meeting.

At that last meeting it was suggested that we each provide a sample of our writing, to be read by ourselves or someone else. I'd like to provide a chapter from Marooner's Haven, my current project (novel in progress). Thing is, I can't read it  myself. Also, the chapter I have in mind has a male viewpoint character; so, it would be best read by a person of the male persuasion. So, err, if Rovert or Jim would be so kind, I'd greatly appreciate it. I hate to be so pushy, but it's that or not participate.

Solidarity and Peace,

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