[stylist] April Writers' Division telephone gathering

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sun Apr 18 20:06:51 UTC 2010

RE: the Writers' Division will host its monthly telephone gathering for
April on Sunday, the 25th (This is the last Sunday of the month.)


--this months gathering will feature two special events- First, is a
opportunity to meet and talk with an editor of an on-line magazine called
"Breath and Shadow." this is a magazine created by the disabled and seeks
disabled authors and pays for submissions. The editor, Chris Kuell is a
member of the NFB Writers' Division and I have finally lined Chris up to
come on a monthly gathering and to specifically talk to us and to answer our
questions about "Breath and Shadow" and about himself. Chris is a great
writer of short stories, and I'm sure of other forms of writings, too. You
can see some of Chris's stories in Slate and Style; Chris Tooke first place
in the 2010 Division writing contest and second in 2009. immediately below
is his bio-




Chris Kuell is a blind writer and advocate living in Western Connecticut. A
former research chemist, he lost his sight at thirty-five as a result of
diabetic retinopathy. A few years later, he learned how to use a computer
with speech output and turned his efforts to writing. He's had more than two
dozen articles about blindness published, and His fiction has appeared in
Spillway Review, The Sun, Breath and Shadow, Apollo's Lyre, Gambit, Mountain
Echoes, Decomposition, Bewildering Stories, and Dialogue. He was an editor
and contributed to the anthology, Mountain Voices: Illuminating the
Character of West Virginia, as well as having a short story in, Northern
Haunts: Terrifying Tales From New England. He is currently seeking an
agent/publisher for Disconnected, a novel about how Alzheimer's disease
affects a family and tests the bonds of love. He is also hard at work on his
second novel, Rub It In, a novel about a blind massage therapist caught in a
thorny love triangle.


In January of 2008, he took over as Editor in Chief at Breath and Shadow,
the only paying literary journal written and edited exclusively by people
with disabilities.


--Our second feature of the evening is an opportunity for any member to
present, read a short example of their writing. This would be for the
purpose is an opportunity to get some on the spot, constructive feedback.
This was suggested during last months gathering. this can be any type of
writing that you would wish to present.


--The time for the gathering is- 8:30 PM Eastern; 7:30 PM Central; 6:30 PM
Mountain; 5:30 PM Pacific.


--The phone number to call is- 218-339-4300 


--the code is: 568839# (last character is a number sign)

Robert Leslie Newman
President NFB Writers' division 
Writers' Division Website-
http://www.nfb-writers-division.org <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/> 
Personal Website- 

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