[stylist] Blindness and photography

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Fri Aug 6 17:24:13 UTC 2010

Hey STYLIST members, here is an interesting site to check out. It's not
about writing, but it deals with an skill that is often associated with
writing (like in the news paper or books, etc.) 
Blind With Camera School of Photography is a virtual school with
step-by-step tutorials for the visually impaired to get started with
photography and guidance to sighted photographers for starting photographic
workshops with local visually impaired people.

INGrImyzskNBaClBHACQhKfKyTWq2GPy> http://www.blindwithcameraschool.org 
Robert Leslie Newman
President NFB Writers' division 
Writers' Division Website-
http://www.nfb-writers-division.org <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/> 
Personal Website- 

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