[stylist] August Telephone Gathering- 8/29/2010

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Aug 7 10:07:18 UTC 2010

RE: August Writers' Division's Telephone Gathering


Join in on our monthly telephone gathering and interact with our guest
speaker, Dennis H. R. Sumlin, President of the Performing Arts Division
(PAD). Let us learn about the Performing Arts Division; let us ask about
what they have to offer; who joins and what performing arts are represented
in the Division; how does what we do fit into what PAD's members do; Dennis
will answer any of our questions; he will give us information on how PAD is
able to be one of the only Divisions to offer a college scholarship; and


The time is- 8:30 PM Eastern; 7:30 PM Central; 6:30 PM Mountain; 5:30 PM


The phone number to call is- 218-339-4300 


The code is: 568839# (last character is a number sign)


(It will be recorded and posted to our website) 


Robert Leslie Newman

President NFB Writers' division 

Writers' Division Website-

 <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/> http://www.nfb-writers-division.org

Personal Website- 



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