[stylist] Vote for NFB's Youth Slam to receive Pepsi grant

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Aug 7 18:44:26 UTC 2010

You don't need to forward messages from the nfbnet-members-list to 
other nfbnet.org lists -- as everybody on the lists has already 
received the message individually.


At 09:42 AM 8/5/2010, you wrote:

>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject:        [Nfbnet-members-list] The 2011 NFB Youth Slam in the 
>Pepsi Refresh Project
>Date:   Thu, 05 Aug 2010 05:40:12 -0500
>From:   Lamkin, Seth <SLamkin at nfb.org> (by way of David Andrews 
><dandrews at visi.com>)
>To:     nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
>A Vote A Day Goes A Long, Long, Way
>At this point we should all be getting settled into the rhythm of 
>voting every day for the NFB Youth Slam in the Pepsi Refresh 
>Project. If you?re like many of us though, you'll need some 
>reminders, because even though submitting a vote every day is so 
>important, it can slip our minds. Now you can sign up for those 
>daily reminders through your e-mail by using this link: 
>Once again, to vote via text message send the number 101913 to Pepsi 
>(73774), once a day, every day. Or if you do not have a texting 
>plan, go to www.refresheverything.com/nfbyouthslam 
><http://www.refresheverything.com/nfbyouthslam> and click the vote 
>button to sign in through Pepsi or through Facebook. Once you sign 
>in, don't forget to hit the vote button again to log your vote!
>For those of you concerned about our current ranking? Good! You 
>should be, and you should continue to get the word out to everyone 
>you can about the importance of voting every day! However, currently 
>Pepsi is having technical difficulties with their ranking system, so 
>our actual ranking is unknown. So it very well may be better, but it 
>may also be worse, which is why keeping up the vote is so incredibly 
>important during this time. Together we can make this a reality! 
>Sign up for e-mail reminders and vote every day!
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>Writers Division web site:
>http://www.nfb-writers-division.org <http://www.nfb-writers-division.org/>

                         David Andrews:  dandrews at visi.com
Follow me on Twitter:  http://www.twitter.com/dandrews920

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